
All posts for the month May, 2013

My Mother’s Glass

Published May 5, 2013 by kdorholt

My Mother’s Glass

My mother hugs a glass that is always half full.
The missing portion matters not at all.
What’s left below the void is more than plenty.
The beauty in her measure bears but bliss.
She marks the lingering liquid’s bountiful blessing.
She sings and celebrates her life’s rare share . . .
How can one woman hold this gift of grace?

My mother searches out the wonder in all weather.
In winter whirling winds, she worships snowflake’s show.
Each drenching downpour day provides her puddling pleasure.
With sultry summer sun she’ll sleep in soothing slumber.
A starless sky’s a miracle marvel of the muting mist..
Moon nights intensify the brilliance in her soul . . .


Why did God, or fate, or angels gift her to me?
Should it be within my power or need to know?

Not Without Poetry

A poem-a-day for National Poetry Month

Kathy Fish

my website and blog

Lindsey Gendke

Writing to My Roots

Notes to Self

...because life is a beautiful mess

JUMP FOR JOY Photo Project

sharing joy with the human spirit, in mid-air, around the world

The Blahgg Blog

life by design in a small and still charming town.

Life Changing the World: A Phoenix's Aria

"A torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Stories in 5 Minutes

since nobody has the time or patience to sit down and read an actual book

Peace, Love and Patchouli

Mental wanderings amongst stardust

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

Words. On the Internet.

And perhaps some punctuation?


Nowhere else

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The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

Salsachica's Ramblings

A place to share a chica's thoughts about food, life and music