
All posts in the School category


Published April 29, 2020 by kdorholt

My first crush was Olaf.

I was six . . .

in Sister Mary Charlotta’s class . . .

with a heart not versed enough

to know I could never whisper his name

with anything resembling passion.

It mattered not that his chubbiness

pushed his stomach over the waist

of his navy blue uniform pants.

Who cared if his hair was cut so close

to his head that pink patches of scalp

peeked through when he sat in light

Or that vestiges of yellow mustard

colored the corners of his mouth

after a good lunch?

What mattered was

Olaf walked with me to the library

and opened the weighty wooden doors . . .

Offering me  a world always glistening in 

brilliant light, decorated with rows

upon inviting rows of books—

All cheerful spined and intriguing covered—

welcoming me to choose one

and discover another story.

Olaf was a Casanova.

Oh, what true ecstasy!



Kahleen A. Dorholt

NaPoWriMo 2020

April 29, 2020

Only a Prompt

Published April 27, 2020 by kdorholt

Write a poem about a superhero

that is really a love letter

to an old flame—call him

Flash or Zeus—he’ll never know.

He lives in Elk River now

with his second wife, Diane.

His sons are nearby,

daughters farther.

You can hide

“love” in other words—

“clover” or “hello vet”—

as you did with his name

when you wrote notes

about him In school

and covertly handed them

to Sue (sworn to secrecy)

before Mr. Fischer’s math class.

Include at least two similes

“Freckles brushed like stardust”

“Eyes twinkled like reflected

moonlight on Twin Lake.”

You might feel silly . . .

But no one need see.

It’s only a prompt,

and he’s merely So it won’t matter.



Kathleen A. Dorholt

NaPoWriMo 2020

April 27, 2020

When Silence Is the Story

Published April 16, 2020 by kdorholt

March 2020 

no gunshot

resounding rage 

in schools. 

Once more

silent and safe.

Salient statistic


1 now


18 before.

We need not be

National Honor Society

to discern its

cogent lesson:









Kathleen A. Dorholt

NaPoWriMo 2020

April 15, 2020

Not Without Poetry

A poem-a-day for National Poetry Month

Kathy Fish

my website and blog

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Writing to My Roots

Notes to Self

...because life is a beautiful mess

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Life Changing the World: A Phoenix's Aria

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Stories in 5 Minutes

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Peace, Love and Patchouli

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Words. On the Internet.

And perhaps some punctuation?


Nowhere else

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